Mailify's Blog

Tips to improve your email newsletter results, stay up-to-date with our email marketing software features, and stay on the cutting edge of email marketing and newsletter tech news.

5 email ideas to re-engage inactive subscribers

5 email ideas to re-engage inactive subscribers

If there is one thing that worries every marketer, it is to see that his email campaigns are never or rarely opened by his subscribers, and this, despite the efforts made on the subject line and the preheader of the email, the writing of the content and the visual used. The inactivity of your contacts […]

Why You Should Invest in Marketing Automation for Your Business

Why You Should Invest in Marketing Automation for Your Business

As technology becomes more advanced, more and more businesses are leaning towards automation. Whether this transition refers to the start of using AI or robotics in various industries, there is no denying that automation is the future of different brands across the world. Nowadays, several people are beginning to start their own companies, making the […]

Head off with total peace of mind this summer thanks to chatbot!

Head off with total peace of mind this summer thanks to chatbot!

We’re all dreaming of well-deserved vacations after the stormy last few months. Head off with total peace of mind by setting up a chatbot on your site during your leave. You’ll make work easier for your staff on-site and will stay in touch with all your visitors by sending them a totally-tailored message. Let’s see […]

Neuromarketing: The Science Behind Video Email Marketing

Neuromarketing: The Science Behind Video Email Marketing

It is a fact that video email marketing is gaining more and more strength, positioning itself as a strong trend for the rest of 2021, because it can generate up to 173% more CTR and up to 50% more ROI, thanks  to its persuasion power. Don’t you believe us? … We don’t say it, science […]