Guest Posts
We want you to have access to the best content here at Mailify’s blog. We like to give you advice, tips and tricks and tutorials on email marketing campaigns, newsletter design, mass mailing, etc. We also explain:
How to properly organize your database
How to search for your target contacts
What kind of messages to send with your newsletter
When should you send your campaigns and how often
How to segment your sendings
And way more!
However, although we are experts in anything email marketing related, there are many other fields we don’t know that much about. This is why anyone with great knowledge about other digital marketing subject is welcome to write in our blog, so you, our readers, can benefit from this!
This way, we are able to extend the range of subjects and offer a huge variety of blog posts about marketing, sales, product launches, technology, etc.
Do you think you can provide us with some quality content that would fit well in our blog? Contact us! We’re waiting for your articles!