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7 Cognitive Psychology Hacks for a Winning Email Marketing Script Creation

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Modern marketers have so many different resources and data to use and apply in their marketing strategies. From design tricks to SEO strategies, they have so many available tools and tricks up their sleeve.  The same goes for writing email copies that convert and easily achieve the goals you’ve set for them. And, in the case of emails, cognitive psychology can play a huge role.

Cognitive psychology tricks can help you write winning email marketing scripts, if only you know how to use them. Luckily, we’re here to teach you. Below, you’ll find the ultimate list of 7 best cognitive psychology hacks to use in all your email scripts.

Let’s break them down.

1.    Simple Language

Let’s start with the type of language you’ll be using in your emails or in your custom email domain .According to cognitive psychology, there’s one very important rule you need to follow:

  • Make your content as simple as possible.

This doesn’t mean you should omit important information. It simply means you should present your content in a simple manner.

That implies:

  • using simple vocabulary
  • using everyday language
  • making your sentences easy to understand
  • writing concisely and to the point

The simpler your language, the more effective and natural it will seem to the recipients. As a result, they’ll find it more believable and trustworthy.

2.    Cognitive Fluency

Another super-important principle of cognitive psychology is cognitive fluency. By definition, cognitive fluency is:

  • the ease with which we process information in order to understand what it means.

This principle teaches us that the simpler the information presentation is, the better we’ll understand it. You should apply it to all your email marketing scripts.

Here are the actual steps you should take:

  • use a simple font that is easy to read
  • use bold to emphasize the most important information
  • make sure your design helps the readers
  • make your copy clear

“If you use fonts that are overly italicized and mix it up with a way too colorful design, your email copy is doomed. Cognitive fluency teaches you that simplicity and easy information processing is the key,” says Estelle Liotard, a business communication expert and writer at Essay Supply.

3.    Neat Structure

Another great advice you could take from cognitive psychology and apply it to your email scripts is that a neat structure of your email will do much better than a chaotic one.

If you just go ahead and write the body of your email as one large paragraph of text, nobody’s going to want to read it.

Instead, you need to organize it better:

  • divide your content into sections
  • mark each section with a subheading
  • use bullet points and create lists
  • use numbers
  • create short paragraphs

This way, you’re allowing the recipient to scan the content of the email and find the specific information they’re most interested in. You’re not making them read the whole thing in order to get the point.

This will make your emails much more engaging and memorable.

4.    Special Offers

People love to feel special, appreciated, and as a part of a community. You can play this card to make your emails more successful.

Write email scripts that offer:

  • exclusive offers
  • loyalty programs
  • special discounts
  • “thank you” coupons
  • personalized messages
  • reward programs

Give the recipient a reason to feel close to you and develop a certain emotional bond. If they feel that you appreciate them and take care of their personal needs and wishes, they’ll grow to like you even more.

5.    Sense of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency in your email scripts will hit people’s “FOMO” card. The fear of missing out is a familiar psychological concept that marketers simply love to combine with different types of content ideas.

Therefore, try and make your emails a bit more urgent and request immediate attention. Here’s what you could do:

  • set a deadline for your special offer
  • write subject lines such as “Hurry up!” or “Limited offer”
  • use the phrase “while the offer stands” or “soon to expire”

Be creative and come up with your own urgency phrases to ensure your potential customers react to your emails immediately.

6.    Strong CTAs

A call-to-action is that short marketing message that invites people to take certain actions and respond to your marketing messages the way you want them to.

In your emails, CTAs are a must, whether you’re handwriting and sending them, or you’re using an email automation software such as Mailify.

According to cognitive psychology, using these imperative messages will:

  • motivate people to take action
  • stick in their minds
  • encourage them to follow your advice

Make sure these messages are strong and inviting:

  • Shop Your Style Today!
  • Claim Your Discount!
  • Check Your Status
  • Sign up For Free!

Use CTAs as a retention technique or a way to inspire more people into becoming loyal, long-term customers.

It’s always a good idea to make your CTA into clickable buttons that take the email recipients straight to the landing page where they can complete the action.

7.    Eye-Catching Visuals

The visual aspect of your email scripts will play another important role in the way your recipients perceive the messages you’re trying to send. The more visually appealing your email, the better focus your readers will have.

Therefore, carefully choose the visuals that will enhance the effectiveness of your email:

  • images
  • infographics
  • GIFs
  • videos

Make sure those visuals aren’t overly heavy so as to avoid slowing down your email loading time since it would be a major email marketing mistake.

Use the visuals that will help your audience understand the point of your email instantly and help them stay actively engaged in reading it.

Final Thoughts

Writing a winning email marketing script is a complex task that requires investing all your best resources. That includes using the effective cognitive psychology hacks that can turn your emails around.

Use the tips we’ve shared above to boost your email marketing strategy and create email scripts that are strong, effective, and memorable.

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