[Infographic] B2B Email Marketing Stats – 2017 Edition
Mailify’s latest market study reveals email marketing stats and shows trends and statistics in the B2B world. Create an account for free and start sending out email marketing in a matter of minutes – let these trends guide you on your emaling journey!
Based on our exclusive data, which is based on our own newsletters sent between January and June 2017, this study reveals key indicators for the email marketing market:
Our analysis shows that if an e-mail gets opened, it will generally also be read thouroughly. More than half of the opened mails are read for more than 10 seconds. During this time, recipients get a rather detailed insight of the content. A reading time between 2 and 10 seconds was observed for 44% of all recipients, which corresponds to a brief overview of the contents. Meet these «fast-readers» by incorporating your most important content right at the beginning where it is clearly visible.
The devices used: Mobile
Especially in B2B, most newsletters are opened from the desktop. However, of course it is becoming more and more important to be mobile at work and to have access to the professional inbox from anywhere. That is why the share of mail opened on mobile devices has risen from 9% to 20% in the last 3 years. It can be expected that this share will continue to rise in the coming years. It is therefore all the more important to choose a newsletter program that offers responsive emails that are optimized for display on the desktop as well as on mobile phones.
The most popular mailboxes
Apple Mail has come out as our top 1 of the most popular mailboxes in B2B, followed by Gmail and Outlook. This shows that Apple Mail has grown strongly in use in recent years, while fewer emails are opened via Outlook.
However, it must be noted that openings with Outlook cannot always be registered. Newsletter programs measure the opening rate of a campaign using an invisible pixel / image within the message. It is invisible because it is inserted into the background color of the message. Whenever a recipient opens an HTML message (and the images are loaded), this image is downloaded. While Apple Mail will automatically load images, it must be clicked on manually by Outlook users.
Facebook is at the forefront of sharing information, followed by Twitter and Google+. On average, the information sent by one of our newsletters was shared 54 times on Facebook, 49 times on Twitter, and 32 times on Google+. This shows that email marketing and social media marketing can also be linked well in B2B area and that both can complement each other. If you use a professional newsletter program, you will be able to connect your social media profiles easily and get even more shares and attention.
B2B Marketing strategies are constantly changing. This is why we try to identify trends with the help of email marketing stats at an early stage and adapt Mailify’s newsletter program accordingly.
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