Mailify's Blog

Tips to improve your email newsletter results, stay up-to-date with our email marketing software features, and stay on the cutting edge of email marketing and newsletter tech news.

Margaux Deguise

These 3 Misconceptions That Deprive You of the Benefits of AI Marketing

These 3 Misconceptions That Deprive You of the Benefits of AI Marketing

The popularity and continuous improvement of artificial intelligence tools enable definite productivity gains but also raise numerous legitimate questions across all professional sectors… including yours! Sectors and professions that are predominantly creative tend to harbor a certain wariness towards AI, and this caution, at first glance, is as understandable as it is founded. To celebrate […]

CRM: only for large companies?

CRM: only for large companies?

When you think of CRM (Customer Relationship Management), what comes to your mind? Too complicated? Too expensive? A tool only for large companies? Well, think again! Today, we invite you to take a fresh look at this common perception of CRM. You’d be surprised how accessible and useful CRM has become, even for small and […]

Landing Pages and Copywriting: 5 Tips for Writing Landing Pages that Convert

Landing Pages and Copywriting: 5 Tips for Writing Landing Pages that Convert

Landing pages play a crucial role in the success of your online marketing strategy. They are specially designed to convert visitors into leads or customers depending on the objective of your campaign, and can appear, for example, in your marketing emails through a CTA. In other words, a well-designed landing page can be the difference […]

Why and how to use SMS Marketing in a digital strategy?

Why and how to use SMS Marketing in a digital strategy?

SMS marketing aims at sending promotional or transactional messages and campaigns by SMS. These messages can be used to send offers (such as seasonal sales or flash sales), to invite contacts to an event or to send alerts and notifications for transactional purposes (order tracking, appointment alerts…). When is it worth it to send business […]

4 Best Ways to Engage More Email Subscribers Using Explainer Videos

4 Best Ways to Engage More Email Subscribers Using Explainer Videos

In today’s cut-throat digital marketing field, gaining and engaging email subscribers can seem like a daunting task. With an almost endless choice of content, prospects are getting pickier than ever about what they want to see in their inboxes. This leaves marketers scrambling to find new and innovative ways to get their foot in the […]