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How to Generate and Close More Leads With Email Marketing

How to Generate and Close More Leads With Email Marketing

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Email marketing is one of the cornerstones of successful customer acquisition and retention. It’s also one of the key elements of a properly structured digital marketing strategy that helps you stay connected to the people interested in your business or brand. This is why it’s no wonder that email lead generation and nurturing is such an important thing, and you should invest your efforts in learning how to do it properly.

Simply put, you can generate and close more leads with email marketing if you just learn how to do it the right way. Luckily, we’re here to help you out. Below, you’ll find our step-by-step guide on how to get more people on your email list and convert them into loyal customers by sending the right messages.

Let’s break it down.

1. Build an Email List

The first and most demanding task in the process of generating and closing more leads with email marketing is building a solid list of email subscribers with the right people on it. A great email list is not the one that has a lot of people on it- it’s the one that has the people interested in your business, brand, and products.

That’s why you need to be careful about creating your subscribers list. Here’s what we suggest:

  • Define your target audience precisely
  • Follow their online behavior, especially on your website and social media
  • Learn about their habits, needs, and pain points
  • Send them the right messages at the right moment

You can use pop-up forms in different stages of your customers journey on your website, subscription buttons on your blog, or social media campaigns that will inspire them to subscribe to your newsletter.

Email marketing is powerful if you target the right people. 79% of small business owners say it’s “very important” to their businesses (Forbes). The significant thing is that you only target the people who will potentially become customers since it’s the only way to have a successful email marketing campaign.

2. Create High-Value Content

The content you share via your email needs to be highly valuable to your target audience. Otherwise, they’ll unsubscribe from your list before you know it.

But, what makes email content valuable? Here are the nuts and bolts of it:

  • It covers topics the target audience cares about
  • It provides advice, information, tips, and guidance for solving the problems they’re facing
  • It informs them about the news, events, products, or services they might need

You can get inspired on how or what to write by reading more and exploring different types of content yourself. This helpful site even provides writing samples you might find useful. So, explore and gather ideas to deliver the best results.

Simply put, valuable content is the content your target audience benefits from reading. Invest your efforts into creating nothing but high-value, informative content that keeps everyone subscribed for the long run.

3. Stay Mobile-Friendly

Smartphones are the primary means for opening emails today. So, if your email newsletter isn’t mobile-friendly, you can forget about lead generation or lead conversion.

Thus, you have to make sure that your emails are mobile-friendly and all the elements display properly on different screen sizes.

4. Set up Triggered Emails

Email automation should be one of your top-priority tools when building a strong email marketing strategy. Setting up triggered emails will ensure you never miss a chance for great interaction with a customer and always stay one step ahead of them.

It comes down to this:

  • You set up for an email to be sent to people completing certain actions
  • Those actions include subscribing to your list, placing an order, abandoning their cart, sharing your blog post, etc.
  • These email copies are pre-prepared, and your email automation software sends them to the right people at the right moment

The bigger your email list, the harder it’ll be for you to do it all manually. Luckily, setting up triggered emails will take a load of work off your hands and help you establish a regular content flow that you need to have.

5. Do A/B Testing

More than 4 billion people use email in 2021. This gives you an amazing opportunity to find and reach your audience and share your business messages with them. But, it might take some time for you to find the formula that works best for your target audience. You never know what they’ll respond to best until you test it and try it out.

This is why you should perform A/B testing of your emails and create parallels between different:

  • Subject lines
  • CTAs
  • CTA placement in the email
  • Images, graphics, and visuals
  • Keywords
  • Email structures

Create two versions of the same email copies and measure the success to see which one works better. Then, use this precious information to create better emails in the future and ensure each one gets a great response from your newsletter list.

6. Promote Other Content

Email marketing should never be the sole weapon you use to promote your business and send the right messages. It should be combined with the other content you’re creating to make sure you’re covering all bases.

Therefore, use your emails to promote your other content by including links to your:

  • Blog posts
  • Promotions
  • Events
  • Product launches
  • Videos
  • e-Books

This way, you’ll be strengthening your SEO strategy and making sure your customers learn about the wide range of content you’re offering across platforms. That’ll show them you’re a professional and credible business they can trust.

7. Always Include CTAs

You want your emails to impact your target audience and have them respond the way you intended. Whether it’s to use a discount you’re offering, complete their order, check out your latest products, or order your monthly catalog- you need to urge them to do it.

CTAs are a simple yet super-effective way to make your main message stand out and reach your goals easier.

So, always includes a CTA that is:

  • Simple but to the point e.g. Claim Your Discount
  • Urging and inspiring e.g. Make a Difference Today;  Shop Now
  • Actionable e.g. Book Your Spot

CTAs will improve the chances of your audience clicking your links, visiting your website, and continuing down the path you’ve created for them. This will turn your leads into sales and significantly boost your email marketing efforts.

Final Thoughts

Email marketing is a powerful tool for generating and closing leads, but you need to know how to use it properly. From lead generation to content creation and sharing, you have to make it all work together.

Hopefully, the 7 simple tips we’ve shared above will help you improve your lead generation and closing through email marketing, and make your emails more powerful and effective.

Author’s Bio

Linda Ferguson is an experienced content writer who specializes in digital marketing for businesses and brands. She covers topics ranging from building a social media marketing strategy to outsourcing content creation the right way. Linda aims to share straightforward and practical tips that are easy to apply.

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